Career Development

The company attaches great importance to its employees’ career development. It provides abundant opportunities and learning platforms for constant improvement and encourages its employees to grow into industry professionals.

1.      Established competency models for operations personnel and on-site maintenance personnel

2.      Based on the competency model, the "three levels and eight grades" promotion management system for operation personnel and the "five levels and nine grades" promotion management system for on-site maintenance personnel have been established, which realizes the clear and in-depth career development of employees.

Training & Team Building

l     Annual training sessions for overseas employees, technicians, and professionals, regular business English courses, professional manager cadre training workshops, and quarterly training for employees at headquarters are organized for both personal and career development. The company also invites industry leaders and experts to deliver lectures for professional communication and training.

l    The company organizes team-building activities annually to strengthen internal relationships and bonding. 

Diversified employment

With the rapid development of our company's overseas petroleum technology service business, we are gradually promoting the localization of human resource management. We advocate for an open, inclusive, and united Hailong culture. Treat employees of different nationalities, races, genders, religious beliefs, and cultural backgrounds fairly and impartially. We are committed to promoting the integration of diverse cultures, enabling employees with different cultural backgrounds to understand and trust each other, appreciate and learn from each other, complement each other's strengths and weaknesses, and continuously enhance the cohesion and creativity of the employee team.
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